Create a shared view for data set up- on behalf of Hobo bags
Jake Sing
Still coming up a lot! Especially since Rabah shared his preferred dashboard on Twitter - tons of agencies have reached out mentioning they love this and wish it was easy to add to their view.
Lea Grossman
Merged in a post:
Summary page duplicated for agency clients
Anders Lawets
When I invite my clients to Triple Whale, they don't see the same summary board that I set up. They need to set it up themselves. Would be ideal if the summary board I set up is the same board everyone sees when they get to the account :man-shrugging::skin-tone-2:
Lea Grossman
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Custom pins carry over across users
Jason West
Agency would like their pinned metrics to apply across their accounts so they are seeing the same data when on meetings
Eden Mehl
Upvoting this on behalf of
Allen Finn
Even cooler if they could be shared across accounts, but love this.